Housing Is Health: Ballot Initiatives in California Approved

Housing is HealthNon-Profit Housing Association of Northern California communications director Alina Harway converses with three county supervisors who were instrumental in moving affordable housing ballot measures forward in the California Bay Area by bringing in the health factor. Read the conversation on Shelterforce

Connecting the Dots

Vitalyst Health FoundationNonprofit hospitals' community benefit requirements provide an opportunity for community developers to engage with hospitals. Use this Healthy Leaders Policy Guide to connect with nonprofit hospitals and implement plans for healthier communities. 

Community Benefit Insight

Community Benefit InsightUsing the Community Benefit Insight database, community economic development associations can use data to initiate relationships with hospitals and make realistic suggestions on the long-term impacts. 

Anchoring to Strengthen Your Region's Case for Systems Change

ReThink Health

Population-level health data provides evidence for community developers to identify cost-effective health programs that improve health outcomes. Access five strategies to use this data to encourage healthcare systems to invest in communities.

Health Impact Assessment Can Inform Community Development Decisions

Health Impact AssessmentHealth Impact Assessment is a rapidly growing field that brings data, health expertise, and public input together. This data can identify the potential effects on public health of projects, programs, and policies. These case studies show how Health Impact Assessments work and inform state and local community development decisions.

Health Impact Assessments in the United States

Pew Charitable TrustsHealth Impact Assessments can inform choices to improve public health through community design. Use this interactive map to sort and analyze data and figure out how to use these assessments to make your community healthier.

Improving Community Health by Strengthening Community Investment

Improving Community Health

This issue brief explains how communities can leverage capital from hospitals and health systems to improve the environment for healthy living.

Innovative Models In Health And Housing

Innovative Models in Health and HousingThis report innovative examples to illustrate how systems of financial resources, public policies, leadership principles, and programs are aligning to improve health and economic outcomes for low- and moderate-income people and places.

Community Benefit and CRA: Comparing Nonprofit Hospital and Bank Regulation

NACEDA - Community CatalystBanks and nonprofit hospitals have such a dramatic impact that the federal government has placed a regulatory structure around how that impact is implemented and monitored. Understanding these similarities can inform the community development and health sectors as they align resources and search for common goals to improve outcomes for low and moderate-income communities. View Community Benefit and CRA.

Healthy Communities: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations

Healthy Communities - Elizabeth Sobel Blum

In Healthy Communities: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations, Elizabeth Sobel Blum of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas provides guidance on how financial institutions can invest in improving the social determinants of health in low- and moderate-income communities. 

500 Cities: Local Data for Better Health

500 Cities Project

The 500 Cities project provide city- and census tract-level small area estimates for chronic disease risk factors, health outcomes, and clinical preventive service use for the largest 500 cities in the United States. It is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the CDC Foundation. 

Healthy Community Toolkit

Plan4HealthPlan4Health connects communities across the country, funding work at the intersection of planning and public health. Coalitions work with communities to increase access to healthy food or increase opportunities for active living where residents live, work, and play. Their toolkit provides policies, best practices, checklists for success, and webinars.  

Community Benefit: Tools and Resources

Community CatalystNonprofit hospitals are required by the IRS to provide health services or other benefits to low-income communities. Community Catalyst provides tools and resources for grassroots organizations to engage local nonprofit hospitals in addressing unmet community health needs. 

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

County Health Rankings and RoadmapsFind out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health. County Health Rankings provides an interactive tool to gauge the relative health of communities, a roadmap for steps to create healthy communities, and a database rating health-based policies and programs. 

Without This Housing, I'd Be Dead

Kaiser Health NewsDignity Health and other hospital systems are investing in homes for people living on the streets. Kaiser Health News looks at incentives for nonprofit hospitals, the impact on healthcare costs – and how a permanent home affected one man's life and health in Without This Housing, I'd Be Dead.

Jargon Buster

Dictionary Image Border 3Working across the health and community development sectors begins with speaking the same language. If you’re lost in a sea of acronyms, this tool can help. The Build Healthy Places Network Jargon Buster demystifies common industry jargon.


Rebuilding Healthy Places in Rural America

Head Start in Blytheville, Arkansas.Small, rural areas across the United States face problems like aging populations, youth migration, high poverty rates and poor health. Efforts like We 2Gether Creating Change in Drew, MS and Incourage in Wisconsin Rapids, WI are working towards building a healthier, more secure future for residents. View Rebuilding Healthy Communities in Rural America.

Partnering for a Healthier WorkFORCE

McDowell County, North CarolinaDespite factors contributing to poor health outcomes and loss of job opportunities, residents of McDowell County, NC are working together to invest in community-identified solutions to improve the health and prosperity. View Partnering for a Healthier WorkFORCE

Cross-Sector Partnership Creates Path for Change

The Grace Guild of Sinai-Grace Hospital and Community Development Corporation

Detroit Medical Center’s Sinai Grace Hospital and Enterprise Community Partners developed an anchor institution strategy to benefit thousands of hospital workers and neighborhood residents. Read Cross-Sector Partnership in Winship Community to learn about the community development corporation they launched.

Creative Placemaking Ohio

The Ohio CDC Association and Ohio Citizens for the Arts – through NACEDA's Creative Placemaking Immersion Program – partnered to host creative placemaking learning events in Ohio's Hamilton and Zanesville, attracting placemakers from community development, the arts sector, city governments, and more to learn how creative placemaking can fit into their local contexts and projects.

Watch the video the partnership made about their experience as state level organizations working for creative, prosperous people and places.