National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations April 19, 2022
Federal News
Advocate for Federal Community Development Funding - NOW is the Time!
Congress is slicing the budget pie for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. NACEDA has endorsed the below sign-on opportunities. We ask you to sign your organization and send these opportunities to your networks today!
1) Topline funding for housing and community development: Sign this letter on behalf of your organization by May 13. It urges Congress to ensure affordable housing and community development programs receive the highest allocation of discretionary funds possible in FY23.
2) HOME Program: Sign this letter on behalf of your organization urging $2.5 billion for the HUD’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program for FY23.
3) Community Economic Development Program: We have two ways for you to urge a $35 million FY23 appropriation for the Community Economic Development Program. First, sign this letter on behalf of your organization by April 29. Second, encourage your Representatives in the U.S. House to sign this “Dear Colleague” letter by April 25.
Want to learn more about the FY23 budget advocacy? Register for this April 21 webinar presented by the Campaign for Housing & Community Development Funding. And, participate in the opening session at the May 5 NACEDA Summit. We will explore opportunities to impact the federal budget as well as program regulations, and launch a new national tax credit program before the midterm elections.
Summit Registration Deadline is 9 Days Away!
Planning to attend the May 5 Summit? Make sure to register by Thursday, April 28. Join community development association professionals from across the country every other month to learn what's working to advance prosperity in low-income communities, get national perspectives, and strengthen our network. The summits will build on each other, with the following themes:
• May 5 — Changing Policies & Systems • July 14 — Shaping the Narrative • September 15 — Grounding Values in Data • November 17 — Building Capacity
Registration costs $25 per day. When you register for the full summit series, you get 4 days for the price of 3. This offer ends on April 28. Register today!
Member News South Carolina Member Opens Economic Services Hub in North Charleston
A former 31,250 square-foot furniture store was transformed into The Opportunity Center
The Opportunity Center opened in March, culminating a vision by the South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development (SCACED) to create a one-stop shop for economic services that can lead to generational wealth for underserved entrepreneurs. SCACED developed the center with the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation, Homes of Hope Inc., and Increasing H.O.P.E. — all of whom specialize in different areas of financial training and services for low-income and minority communities. The facility is expected to create 45 jobs and attract $4 million in private investment.
“It’s so gratifying to see the vision of The Opportunity Center become reality,” said Bernie Mazyck, President & CEO of SCACED. “This innovative space will provide job training, a business incubator and entrepreneurial shared space – as well as a Women’s Business Center, while maintaining offices of local non-profits actively working in the community economic development sector.”
Funding & Job Opportunities
Go to naceda.org and connect with us on social media: